Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Attending annual meetings

Over the past month, I have had the privilege of attending a handful of annual chapter meetings throughout the Great Lakes region. I look forward to attending each one of these meetings, not only for the education events and to meet the incoming board members, but to see the camaraderie between the chapter members that takes place during these events.

With information available to each one of us at the click of a button, or work responsibilities keeping us tied up at the course, it's easy to put the upcoming chapter meeting on the back burner. Attending these meetings, however, is not just playing golf with local superintendents and vendors, or socializing with your buddies. It's creating valuable professional relationships that will enhance your career, it's receiving local knowledge and advice to problems specific to your area, it's finding out about the latest products available to make your job more efficient, it's making friends with peers and it's supporting your association and your industry.

Each person who volunteers for board service is taking their personal time to help make your association better for you. They are putting forth a lot of effort and energy to make these meetings relevant and beneficial to those in attendance. Board service is often taken for granted and it's just assumed someone will volunteer for these positions. Please support your chapter and your incoming 2016 board members by making it out to an upcoming chapter event. Board members will be very appreciative and always welcome your presence and feedback. While it's often easy to come up with a reason or two to skip an upcoming chapter meeting, your board and peers thank you for coming up with the reason to attend.