Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A new season

Here in the Great Lakes region another season has come to an end and a new season is upon us with the onset of winter. Irrigation systems have been blown out, winter disease control products have been applied and equipment repair and restoration has begun. For chapters, monthly meetings have also come to a close and the education season has begun. I have attended numerous conferences already this fall, such as the Wisconsin Turfgrass Symposium and the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Show and many more are right around the corner after the new year begins.

I hope that all superintendents will take advantage of these educational opportunities and encourage staff members, such as assistant superintendents, spray technicians, equipment technicians and irrigation technicians, to attend education offerings, as this will help to solidify the knowledge at the facility. Having a well educated team that is capable of taking the golf course to the next level reflects well on the golf course superintendent. As the role of the superintendent is changing it is vital that the team has the knowledge and skills to operate efficiently while the superintendent is attending meetings in the clubhouse or is off site talking with community leaders.

Staff members are very good at their jobs but many times lack training in areas that are outside their normal duties, such as managing people, budgets or leading meetings. Many of today's educational meetings for superintendents include training in these areas as superintendents are excellent in the agronomic arena but lacking in other areas they need knowledge in to be successful. I would challenge you and your staff to get out of your comfort zone and look at areas of leadership where you may be weak and attended educational opportunities in these areas.

Come to the GCSAA Education Conference and Golf Industry Show, as there are many learning opportunities in the agronomic area but just as many in the other areas that superintendents and assistants need to be successful. There will be many opportunities to brush up on interviewing skills and learn what employers are looking for in today's market, as well as keeping up to date on new advances in technology to help the golf course superintendent on the golf course and beyond. I hope to see all of you at local educational events and I hope you all are planning on attending the conference and show in San Antonio. Have a great and learning winter season!