Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Honeybees on the course

Spreading the word about the positive impacts your golf course has on the community and environment can be challenging. Jeff Sexton, CGCS at Evansville Country and GCSAA Grassroots Ambassador, however, was able to get the local news network involved. Amanda Chodnicki of 44News based in Evansville, IN visited Evansville Country Club and interviewed Jeff, Dr. John Scott Foster of the Wessleman Woods Nature Preserve and Don Neyhouse, a Technical Sales Consultant for Bayer CropScience. All three spoke on the positive effect bees have on the environment and how Evansville Country Club is leading the way for golf courses in Southwest Indiana who are looking to start a beehive restoration project on their property.

Currently, Jeff and his staff have two bee boxes on the course, each housing 20,000 bees. They hope to add two more boxes next year. Indiana Congressman Larry Bucshon has taken an interest in the project which shows what a great impact the Grassroots Ambassador Program can have on local golf courses.

Jeff is helping demonstrate that golf course superintendents take the surrounding environment very seriously. He is hoping to prove that neonicitnoids can safely coexist on a golf course with honeybee colonies and is doing a great job.

Check out the Channel 44 newscast: